QuarkXR Reference Design Can Make Any HMD Wireless

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QuarkXR Reference Design Makes Any HMD Wireless and Removes Friction.

Compression enables wireless transmission of high resolutions and cloud-based VR. We have developed a novel approach that runs the entire compression on the GPU in parallel and encodes each frame in just 1ms. QuarkXR is hardware agnostic and is able to 'cut the cords' of any HMD. It supports 4K per eye and can stream the Vive resolution to up to 12 headsets. QuarkXR works over Wi-Fi and WiGig.

Explore QuarkXR’s Reference Design

Investors in QuarkXR Inc. are New Vision 3 Fund and Vitosha Venture Partners Fund I KD, which are co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds under the Operational Programme for Innovation and Competitiveness 2014-2020 managed by the Fund of Funds in Bulgaria