QuarkXR Unity SDK Is Live on GitHub

December 14, 2020

Our new SDK empowers developers to easily integrate desktop streaming into their Unity Android projects. One of the brightest examples of this implementation is in VR meeting rooms where participants can now share content from their desktop with the rest of the attendees.

The SDK was released on Friday and is available on GitHub.

Sample Unity app using the QuarkXR SDK

Virtual meetings and Remote Work have been the biggest trends of 2020. And XR is the perfect medium for any type of remote collaboration. However, we sometimes miss the tools that we are used to from our 2D workflows. Or sometimes we just need a bit more horsepower. This is were QuarkXR comes in: Our Unity SDK can be used to stream local Windows 10 desktops (or individual apps) or any remote desktops- Cloud VMs running Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016+. It is particularly useful for streaming videos, documents, 3D models, or presentations inside virtual spaces, but is not limited to that only.

“We’re working on a future release which will enable developers to also stream XR content rendered remotely“, our CEO Krasi Nikolov says. “The whole team is super excited to also deliver support for streaming additional monitors and additional client platforms – both are coming soon as well!”

QuarkXR Unity Plugin

Working in a virtual environment with "infinite" monitors can make us way more productive. And this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Cloud XR and streaming. We have a lot more in the works!

The GitHub repository contains the SDK via a Unity Package, a QuarkXR Server installer, and sample projects. We've provided detailed instructions for implementing the SDK on the GitHub Wiki, while troubleshooting is covered by a FAQ section.

What would you build with QuarkXR? We're excited to hear your feedback. Feel free to leave a comment here or through our Contact page, as well as on Facebook. You can also subscribe for future SDK updates using our Developer form.

Investors in QuarkXR Inc. are New Vision 3 Fund and Vitosha Venture Partners Fund I KD, which are co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds under the Operational Programme for Innovation and Competitiveness 2014-2020 managed by the Fund of Funds in Bulgaria