5 Brand New PSVR Titles Revealed at E3

June 17, 2017

As expected, Sony reveаled a bunch of new titles for the PSVR (*cough* Skyrim *cough*), but today we'll take a quick look at the brand new titles that were announced.

Star Child


This VR platformer game looks quite beautiful and from what we see in the trailer, we gotta say — we're definitely excited to try it out. Not sure yet about how the controls will work but there's plenty of time to find out, right?

Final Fantasy: Monsters of the Deep


We're not quite sure yet if this game is a DLC for the latest Final Fantasy or a standalone title but apparently you can fish in it. At least that's what the trailer shows us.

The Inpatient


An FPS thriller game that will take you to some kind of a medical facility. There are not too many other details in the trailer, though.



A third-person adventure where you take the role of an adorable, sword-wielding mouse.

Bravo Team


This particular shooter will most likely support the new PSVR aim controller, and Sony definitely need more games that could take advantage of their new tech.

Which one of these would you like to try first? Share your thoughts with us here or on our Facebook page!

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